"Soaked by the rain, Youth Olympic Games fan Low Wei Jie, 12, ran 15km yesterday to take pictures of torchbearers in the flame relay. It took a while before everyone noticed the unknown boy who became the day's surprise star."
I refer to the article "Who's that boy?"
"Dressed in an orange shirt, blue bermudas and flip-flops", Low Wei Jie clutched his digital cameral as he ran through the rain. For the first one hour, no one noticed Wei Jie. Wei Jie would disappear slightly, perharps trying to catch his breath, but, he would always reappear among the supporters. Wei Jie managed to keep pace until the 122nd torchbearer. Each torchbearer would ran 100m.Wei Jie himself ran a total of 12.2km. He was finally noticed after 12.2km when the torch arrived in the hougang stadium for a 15 minutes break. In the Hougang stadium carpark, Wei Jie soon found himself in the attention of the media.
I admire Wei Jie for his perseverance and humbleness. He did not want to be the centre of the media. All that he wanted to do was to get pictures for his scrap book. Though his flip-flops managed to hold up, his feet hurt and there were scratches on his right ankle. Though his legs must have been hurting as he was running in flip-flops, he persevered and tried his best to keep pace with the torchbearer. It is unbelievable that he withstood his pain just to get pictures for his scrapbook! However, when he reached hougang stadium, he realised that his camera was not waterproof and had been jammed.
Wei Jie showed that with perseverance, anything can be conquered. He truly is a model example. We should learn form him and persevere in everything we do. If we do feel like giving up, we could think of this example showing the importance of perseverance.